Category Archives: Blog

  1. The Re-emergence of Storytelling in Content Marketing

    As with any new channel, when the online world first appeared businesses rushed to get something, anything online. They saw...

  2. Make your PPC Perform

    If you’re not seeing ROI on your PPC campaigns - why not talk to ­us? At Ingenuity Digital we have...

  3. 4 ways to get your site into shape for the New Year

    Whatever your market, the online world is more important than ever, and we’ve got four ways you can make your...

  4. 12 days of Christmas – an SEO’s perspective

    In the Christmas spirit, Ingenuity Digital is sharing its roundup of the year for those in digital marketing, and we’ve...

  5. Travel Companies – Improve your SEO

    In the hustle and bustle of the world today, more and more people are looking to get away from it...

  6. Evolving your International SEO

    Whether your company’s looking to expand internationally or to increase its already established market share, there are several areas crucial...